India has more than I billion population worlds 1/6 population. out of which only 2.9% are Christians. India has more people groups than any other countries in the world. Since my calling in 1984 I have deep compassion for these unreached people living in the jungles and forests, We always make outreach trips with gospel tracts, street preachings and Film shows and making them know about Jesus Christ the only Saviour.
See this tribal man with his family. He is moving from place to place just by his bicycle. He has little tent,utensils, clothes, and also a pet Cock. All he has is on this bicycle. When I was going to a remotest village by my car I saw this man and presented the gospel. Christian concern is either to go to the missions or to give.
We have more than 500 evangelists, pastors and Bible women reaching the unreached people groups in 10 states of India. Please pray for our country and stretch forth your helping hand to continue this ministry.
Thank you and God bless you
Bishop Daniel
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