Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tricity Ecclesia Christmas on 25th Evening at Stadium
6 years ago Holy spirit spoke to me not to celebrate Christmas as a Festival in the 4 walls of the Church building. SO we moved our Christmas service to the Railway sports Stadium Kazipet. All our Ecclesia members invites their non Christian friends to this occasion.This way our Church is reaching out other castes, religions and other tribes. This is our 6th time to celebrate Christmas in that stadium. All our Sunday school children, youth groups, bible school students and whole church family participate in carols, skits, dramas and other activities. My Brother Rev.Joy David greeted the congregation. Ist part of the service was precided by Bro John Bunny our Elder and also my brother in law and later part of the service was precided by Rev.John Mark. People came to this service irrespective of denominations. My Aunt Mrs Vimala Christdas, My Sister in law Mrs Sharon and my wife Azuba had cut the Christmas cake. I released a New audion CD prepared by famous music director Bro K.Y Ratnam ( Hyderabad.) Then I gave the message and lead the people for consecration and for some reconsecration. It was a great event in the Tricities. Our Church elders and deacons distributed cakes to all the thousands of participants. All Glory to God. Pray for new souls to Gods kingdom with all these Christmas outreaches
New Sarees to the Widows
The day I started our Church during Christmas we bless widows with new clothes. On Dec 21 I went to Machilipatnam for the city Christmas Where I distributed sarees to 15 widows. On Dec 25th My wife gave sarees to 35 widows and also we will give some more sarees to widows on New years day. Previously we used to give sarees to the widows in many villages. As the Lord provides we always help the less fortunate people.
Machilibazar Community Christmas, 24th Evening
Normally many Churches will have Christmas Eve on 24th. But We had an outreach in Hanamkonda ,Machilibazar . Our Deaconess, Sister Rama and her Husband took burden of arranging this Christmas meeting. They invited their friends relatives and some of the community people. This is predominantly a Hindu locality. 80% of the crowd are Hindus. Our Pastor Karunakar and a woman minister rebeca Sang carols and some gospels. My Wife and son greeted the congregationa and I gave the message with full gospel. many people responded. they came forward and my wife pastor Azuba prayed for them.Our Deaconsess family arranged feast for 200 people. We really celebrated the Birth of Jesus Christ with our Hindu friends.All glory to God.
Sunday School Christmas, Dec 24 Noon
We had Sunday School Children Christmas on Dec 24th . Whole of our Telangana region was closed for Political problem all the shops,gas stations Schools, Transportation was closed due to bandh. We expected 500 Children because of this situation 300 children showed up ofcourse that includes our orphanage children. Our Sunday supdt Mrs. Padmaja, teachers, Shalini, Aruna did a wonderful job and children really celebrated Christmas with all the skits, carols and Dramas.
My Wife Pastor Azubah and Mrs Suseela Franklin gave the messages and I got the opportunity of cutting the cake.. It is indeed a great children event and Christmas. Then they all partook in the love feast
St.Thomas School Christmas
Dec. 23rd Afternoon from 2 to 5 St Thomas School At Station Ghanpur celebrated their School Christmas. My Brother in law Mr John Bunny Principal of the school precided over the function.
My Aunt Mrs Vimmallamma and My Wife Azuba greeted the meeting and had cut the Cake. And I was invited to give the message. More than 2000 School children from all classes and the teachers heard the goodnews. 95% of the students and the staff are Hindus. And God annointed me to preach the Full Gospel in very simple way. I lead the congregation in sinners prayer. And It was a great event.I gave my message on 4 points 1) Crisis of Christmas 2)Compassion of Christmas 3) Call of Christmas 4) Celebration of Christmas. Everybody followed the message. some students gave their lives to the Lord. Amen
Friday, December 25, 2009
Youth Christmas in Ecclesia Mother Church
By God's grace we had very wonderful Youth Christmas. My son Jesher who is the Youth Minister conducted this service. Our Church youth invited their non Christian friends to this service. They had wonderful praise worship and carols. young Pastor From Banglore gave message. I had the opportunity of cutting the cake. Then they had different presentations, skits and dramas. Our Bible school students also joined this event and we had wonderful time and also fun.Then we had fellowship supper.
Babu Camp Community Warangal District

This camp once upon a time was den of thieves. When I came to this city in 1985 I witnessed the community people looting the food bags from the goods trains which stops there for signals. And also they used to steal things even from our campus jumping our compound walls. By God's grace gospel penetrated to this community now we have more than 100 believers . Praise the lord.
We celebrated Christmas in that community. My sons gave wonderful music, my wife greeted the congregation and I gave Christmas message. People were so happy for this event.
Christmas in Gypsy( lambadi) community

My wife Azuba, My son Jesher and myself went to Lambadi community a small hamlet near waddepalli to celebrate Christmas with them. they are all living in small shacks but when I saw them celebrating Christmas it amazed me. They arranged a Tent with a stage, Christmas tree, star and cake.My son Jesher took his keyboard gave music with Christmas numbers My wife greeted the congregation and I gave the gospel of Christmas. Basically most of the Lambadas are alcoholic but the whole community maintained peace and heard the gospel and our believers invited them for supper they came and fellowshipped with us.Every Month new souls from gypsys are coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Warangal City Christmas.

On Dec 18, From 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm on Branch churches in Warangal and Hanmakondapalem conducted a City Christmas at Pochammma Ground in Warangal . Many people attended the meeting. Kazipet Choir and Orchestra and also Zion choir and also Full Gospel Choir sang Christmas songs. Some political leaders came out from their box and gave their testimonies glorifying Jesus. Rev. John Mark precided over the meeting and I gave the message and we cut the cake . OUr Church youth and Children in the lower sunday school presented their talents.
After message when I gave alter call many people responded the allter call. pray for this ministry
Nallabelli Church Dedication

Nallabelli is about 50 km from our Kazipet. I first visited this village in 1985. One of our Pastors G.Yohan ministered in that village for 10 years and he died . since then we have sent some ministers but could not withstand in that village. We have sent one educated minister actually retired as a Principal of a Government college along with his wife Manoranjani They did a wonderful job in that village. They started constrcution 2 years ago. and finished.And I dedicated the building on Dec 16th at 12noon. Many of our friends and also friends of our minister Dr.Prakash attended.
Christmas in Jagirpalli - Karimnagar District
On Dec 15th as a team we went to Jagirpalli which is 55 kilometers from Kazipet. Gathering was about 400 hundred more than half are Hindus. Local choir and our team sang Chirstmas songs and I preached the good news. Our pastor invited the political leaders who also heard the gospel when we gave time to greet the congregation they responded positively. We are hoping their salvation. We distributed sarees to the poor widows. His name is glorified. Hope fully post pictures soon. God bless you.
Church in Kamaram under construction

Kamaram is a Koya village which is 100 km from Kazipet where I am stationed. The Koya tribe is one of the unreached tribes of India. God helped us to win many souls from this tribe and also helped us to train indegenous ministers from the same tribe. during Feb 09 I took my Brother Col Philip to this village and he was so moved seeing those people in the remote villages. Also took Pastor Brad for a meeting and also for a medical camp. Kindly pray for the church building work. so far foundation was laid and we are collecting material to go with the remaining construction.
They suffered a lot for water to cure the cement because they have to carry from a long place and they finally started to dig a well this month.please pray and also help with the construction.
Christmas Service in Maulali Hyderabad
Alfred Kalyanapu and Jesher Kalyanapu went to Hyderabad on our small pick up with the PA system and music system and the lighting along with 2 generators. Bible woman sister Subaktha who is in fellowship with Ecclesia has arranged this meeting. It is a good meeting indeed. I gave a Chritmas message and prayed for the sick. To our surprise muslims responded the alter call and also one muslim lady and a man received healing and gave testimonies. Praise the lord. I could not found to pictures and was not able to keep those pics on this blog.
Thanks for your prayers for this ministry. God bless .
Thanks for your prayers for this ministry. God bless .
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