Friday, November 14, 2008

More healing from the Revival

Suvartha was healed from 1 year Throat pain

Karuna from Tharalapalli was healed from Neck pain from 1 year

Suguna from Chinnapenidiyal healed from L bow pain from 1 year

Bhagya from Katrapalli was healed from 1 year Heart pain

There are many healing testimonies but we are only publishing a few of them

You can be the part of this great Revival either by supporting or

Healing Testimonies from the Revival

Young Girl Lalitha was healed from fever and Headache

Srilata was filled with the Holy Spirit and great burden upon her heart was roled away.

Komala from Nidikuda was healed from severe Headache suffered for about 6 years

An Hindu woman came for the Ist time to the revival, convicted by Holy Spirit and burden upon her life was roled away and she accepted Jesus Christ as her Saviour.

Heling Testimonies from the Revival

Bishop Daniel and Pas Azuba were praying for the people

Narasimha from Gypsy community received healing from back pain for 3 years

Sampoorna from Musthapur Karimnagar attended the revival and received healing from Back Pain since 5 years

Mariamma from Shalapalli healed from Heart pain from 2 years

November 8th II Saturday Revival _ Kazipet

Pastor Azuba spoke on Violent Faith exercised by Cannite woman to recieve Miracle.

Bishop Daniel Spoke on Miracle working God that saves, Heals and fills Holy Spirit and gave an alter call many men and women came forward and commited their lives to the Lord

God poured out His Holy Spirit on the people who came forward and they were revived.

November 8th II Saturday Revival

Women's One day Conference at Ghanpur

Mrs Yvonne Bunny deaconess of Kazipet Full Gospel Church conducted one day women's in Ghanpur Town.

Above 500 women partook in this conference and worshipped the lord

Pastor Azuba preached on life of Sarah and exhorted them to wait on the Lord to receive impossibilities

Pastor Ruth Jeremiah was the main speaker preached in 2 sessions and encouraged the women.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Healing Testimonies

Hindu Brother possesed by demonic spirits delivered and gave testimony that he got peace

This woman healed from chest pain for 5 years got healed
This Man got healed from Heart problem foe 3 years

This woman got healed from uterus problem

This lady got healed from deafness Pastor Brad was testing her

2 day crusade in Narsampet, Warangal Dist, India

We had 2 day gospel and healing crusade in Narsampet town on Nov 1 and 2nd with the cooperation of the Local Pastors fellowship. Ist day 1000 above people attended and heard the gospel. Bro Thomas Kalyanapu ( founder of Ecclesia Ministries) from USA extended greetings. Pastor Azuba Prayed for the word. Pastor Brad from USA and Bishop Daniel preached the gospel and gave the alter call. about 150 people responded and came forward and gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. Then Pastor Azuba, Pastor Brad and Bishop Daniel Prayed for the Healings and miracles. Lots of testimonies were recorded.