Pastor Azuba delivering message
Bishop giving baptisms to Hindu family
Bishop ministering in the service
People worshiping in the service
WE had very blessed New year service. In the begining we had baptismal service about 38 people from Hindu, muslim gypsy community accepted Jesus and received water baptism.
We started our worship led by alfred and Jesher and Moses Kalyanapu along with the choir. Worservice was chaired by the one of the Church elder Mr.K.C.John Bunny.
Church Elders, Brothers Ashok, Christopher, B.Rajeswarao extended the greetings to the congregation. Ecclesia Church memebers in around Warangal more than 3000 people attended the service. Bishop Daniel and Pastor Azuba
gave heart touching messages. Then everybody partook in the holy communion. Pastor Azuba dedicated many new families and also new born babies unto the Lord. Service was concluded by the prayer and benediction of the Bishop.
The Church elders and Deacons have arranged the love feast and was served by the Youth and also students from the Immanuels Bible school. This whole event was blessing to many pray for this ministry.
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