Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kondaparthi Church Dedication- A.P. India

Bro. Thomas Founder of EM, Bishop Daniel and Pastor Mark local Pastor at dedication

Mark and Deborah are my spiritual children. I gave baptisms and changed their names previously their names were Swamy and badra, solemnized their wedding and also they were graduated from my Bible School. Kodaparthi was predominantly communist village when I Ist visited this village in 1986. We started a adult literacy programme which started our activity to win souls for his kingdom. I gave many baptisms to the people from all walks including communist radicals. We have constructed a small prayer hall for the worship services during 1992 to 1996 this prayer hall was captured by the communitists that stopped all our activities. After much prayers God opened a way to start our services. Mark and Deborah both were graduated from the Immanuels Gospel Training center . They were sent to this village.
Then whole ministry took Paradigm shift . Slowly people from Hindu faith started coming to the Lord. Couple of years ago one man was healed from HIV aids and he got saved and gave a piece of land for the Church building. so we constructed the Church building . We finally dedicated the building on June 3rd happens to be their wedding anniversary. My Brother Thomas my son Jesher and My wife the spiritual mother of Mark and Deborah also shared the word . One great testimony about Marks conversion was 20 years ago Marks mother fell sick and declared clinically dead and was sent to home. Mark used to come to our house to sell vegetables along with his mom. during that time My wife Azuba shared the gospel to this family.
So he recollected the gospel and to our house and my wife to their house to pray so my wife Azuba prayed for Mark's mother and miraculously she came to life. Thats how whole family of Mark came to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ from Paganism. All glory to His name.

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