We had very wonderful 3 day Gospel Healing and Revival Crusade in a High School grounds beside Bus Station of Manchiryal Town in Adilabad District, A.P. India.
The convenors continuesly received threating phone calls to cancel the meetings. This town has predominantly anti christian religious fanatics. Our dear lord helped us to go thru those situations and we had successful meetings. The chief convenor Pastor Samuel is my spiritual son. He received Baptism in one our conventions in Kazipet and then he moved to this backward district..
Now is the President for the Pastors Fellowship of Adilabad District..
Up on their invitation we went there and conducted successful meetings and many thousands heard the gospel and hundreds of people received salvation and also healing.
Along with me my 2nd Brother Col Philip Kalyanapu ministered in these meetings and my son Jesher interpreted his messages in to telugu. . And also Alfred and Jesher gave the music and our choir Jyotsna, Sridevi,Rebeca,Swarupa sang the gospel songs and also worshipped the Lord.
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