Lilian and Kiran with Bro.Thomas Kalyanapu
Miss Lilian Kalyanapu is the daughter of Mrs & Rev.K.E.Joy David who is the President of Ecclesia Ministries of India Stationed at Jangaon Warangal Dist,A.P India. Mr.Kiran Gajula is the 3rd son of Mrs and Mr.Dayarao garu of Hyderabad A.P. Lily and Kiran and both the sides parents confirmed that it is will of God for this couple to be united in the Holy Matrimony. As lily and Kiran are working in USA this engagement service was conducted by Bishop Daniel and Bro Thomas Kalyanapu ( Founder of EM) in South Plainfield New Jersey. It was such a joyous occasion to have this engagement in midst of Lily's cousins and Uncles and also Kirans uncle's family and his Brothers family along with some church members. Please pray for their wedding which will be scheduled in January 2010.
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