Saturday, September 29, 2012

Inaugural Ceremony of E M International

Dr. Beulah Koduri  has cut the special cake made for the occation

By God's grace we had good weather so that friends could come and partake in the ceremony.
I thank all who worked for the success  of this meeting may God richly blessed them
Our special thanks to Bro. Joshua Pilli and Sam Sudhakar for bringing all the equipments

Inuagural Ceremony of EM International

Bishop Daniel  sharing the history and also the goodness of God  has blessed and expanded the ministries of Ecclesia to many states of India
Bro Joshua Pilli the president of UECF extended greetings and exhortations
Dr. Beulah gave very wonderful testimony about Bro. Thomas and encouraged him to continue with this
ministry entrusted by God.

Inaugural Ceremony of EM International

Rev.Thomas Kalyanapu the President  of EM intl  extended the opening remarks  how God has lead him to start this EM int.and he praised the Lord for His faithfullness
Mrs. Preethi kezia  reading the Scriptures
mrs sunila clarence reading the scriptures
Bro. Sam Sudhakar reading the scriptures
Mrs. Sudha Thomas praying in the service


U E C F  Choir  Praising the Lord in the service
Bro.Sam Sudhakar played guitar, Bishop Daniel and Mrs Sunila Clarence played Keyboards

Bro. Joshua Sandela  has prayed in the service

This Inuagural ceremony of Ecclesia Ministries  took place in Scotch Plains baptist Church  on Sep 29th.  Bishop Daniel Precided over the meeting. UECF Choir and orchestra lead the praise and worship. Bro. Joshua Sandela  prayed over for the meeting.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bishop shared the word in Tele Prayer conference

On Sep 25 th I got the previlege on Sharing word  to the group of Sisters on Tele conference.
My neice Lily hooked me up to these prayerful women  always praying and interceeding
for the needs of the people. Sis Rebeca from  New Jersey  and some other sisters doing this
wonderful prayer ministry.
I  taught them a prayer song and also I share the message on prayer and Challenged them to
continue that ministry.
That Evening  in King of Prushia  town in Bro Raju and  Sis Beulah's house the corner stone
Church group gathered  for a prayer meeting and I was also invited by Sister Beulah  Lily's friend
Their Pastor  Visuvasam Dhanraj was kind enough and gave the whole  time for me to Share
God's word and I shared  on God centered life. They all said they were so blessed by the Word
and we closed the meeting with fellowship supper.

Bishop in Grace Trinity Church of Christ-Philadelphia

 Rev.Dr.Chandrasoans leading the  Congregation in Worship
 Bishop Daniel Kalyanapu giving the message in the service
 Bro Naveen Gajula and team leading  the Praise and Worship
Bishop Daniel with  his neice Dimple and with her husband in the Fellowship Hall.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Urgent prayers for Sister Penny Drex in Penn State Hospital

 This is Penny in Penn State Hospital in Harrisberg PA, She is struggling for her life
She loves missionaries and have heart for the missions.
 Penny with her husband BOB
 Bishop with Host family Mr.Reymond and Mrs Nanny
 Bishop Garlington in Life Centre Harrisburg conference
Pastor Che Ahn from California  in the Conference

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bishop in Healing Waters Church in Selden.NY

Bishop in Telugu Christian Fellowship in New Jersey

 Bishop Daniel Sharing Greetings in the service
 Dr.Chigurupati preciding over the meeting
 Rev.John Wesley the General Secretary of IEM who gave the message in the Service

Telugu Christian Fellowship- New Jersey

Dr.David Chigurupati the Moderator TCFNJ  praying for the Revival of the Nation
India's Strongest Man Mr. Manoj Kumar of Banglore sharing his tetimony
Manoj Kumar's son who is in Ywam  sharing his testimony preparing to become world's strongest man