Tuesday, March 24, 2009

IIIrd Day Convention

Final night Bishop has lead the praise and worship

Dr.Charles was preaching the gospel and Bishop Daniel has translated and continued the message and gave the alter call.

Hundreds of people responded the alter call and gave their lives to the Lord ,Each night after the sinners prayer we as a team prayed for the sick.A total of testimonies recorded on video are 162. Hundreds of commitments were recorded each night but only 75 received baptsims on saturday March 7th and also 8th sunday,

Dr.Charles and Pastor Brad conducted the anointing service

Each nights meeting was a great blessing to hundreds of people.

IInd day of the convention March 6th

Col Philip preaching on God's plan of salvation and Bishop Daniel was translating in to Telugu

Bro Thomas Kalyanapu the Founding president sharing God's Word on Practical faith

Rev. B.R.Anand Kumar preaching on Salvation and Baptism

Dr. Charles in the Indian Outfit preaching the God's Word from John 4th chapter the salvation of the samaritan woman

Video Clippings of whole event

Ist Night convention , March 5th 2009

Dr.Charles Preaching the good news of Jesus Christ and Rev.Anand was translating in to Telugu

Bishop Daniel gave the alter call and hundreds of people responded and gave their lives to the Lord

Dr. Charles was praying for the deliverance

Bishop Daniel casted out demonic spirits from a woman

This old lady has witnessed that a tumor on her throat was disappeared

Monday, March 23, 2009

inaugural of annual conventions

Bishop Daniel,Mrs Azuba, Jesher and Susan welcoming Dr.Charles with garland

EcclesiaMinistries Pastors from Rajahmundry welcoming Pastor Brad with garland

Bro.Thomas(USA) Founder Ecclesia Ministries welcomed by Pastors from Kazipet area

Col Philip( USA) Welcomed by the Children from the orphanage

Alfred leading the choir in Praise and worship

Full Gospel Church 24th anniversary convention started on March 5th evening.
Ecclesia Choir led by Alfred Kalyanapu assisted by Bunty, Isaac, Sampath and Dhinakaran Charles.
We had wonderful time of Praise and worship. Speakers and Guests were invited to the opening meeting by Bishop's family and the area Pastors and the campus children. Pastor Charles gave the gospel message and Rev.B.R.Ananda Kumar translated the message in to Telugu language.
Bishop Daniel gave the alter call many hundreds of people responded the call and came to the alter and Bishop led them in to sinners prayer and for some rededication prayer.

Bishop Daniel's New Books Release

Pastor Charles praying over the new books written By Bishop Daniel

Dr.Charles releasing books "Zeal for God" and "I will make every thing New"

Br.Thomas President of EM releasing books namely "3 looks" and "When prayer Ends"

Col Philip releasing books namely "Arise & build" and "Remove the Mask"

Pastor Brad releasing books namely "Live in the Spirit" and "More power in the annointing"

Bishop Daniel wrote 42 books so far. AS the lord gives His grace he will be writting more books very soon. Those who are willing to sponsor to print the new books you are most welcome.

Presentation of the Gifts

Dr.Charles and the Immanuel's Church presented sewing machines to all the women, Our Vocational teachers gave them training in sewing and also the hand works to the women.

Public Address systems to the Brothers and Sisters who asked for that so the people in the village can hear the good news.

Some women asked for the Bycycles so that they can go to village after village in preaching the goodnews of Jesus Christ,

Presentations of Certificates and Mementos

Dr.Charles,Pas Brad,Bishop Daniel,COlPhilip,Br.Thomas, Rev.B.R.Anand Kumar and the Faculty
joined in prayer in commissioning the graduates for the Lord's Ministry

Dr.Charles Presenting certificates to the graduates

Rev.Philip presenting Mementos to the students

Bro Thomas presenting mementos to the students

10 class Graduation pictures

Dr.Charles giving message in the graduation service

Pastor Brad extending exhortation

Col Philip extending greetings

Bro Thomas Founder of Ecclesia Ministries greeting the congregation

Ist lady of the Full Gospel Church Pastor Azuba pronouncing blessing on the graduating students

Immanuel's Bible school 10thclass graduation,2009

Mrs Azuba and Bishop in the Ist row ,Dr.Charles and Pas Brad in the II row ,Bro Thomas and Col Philip in the III row then followed the faculty and the students ahead for the graduation

This 10th graduation service was conducted in a pandal on March 5th. Service was presided by Bishop Daniel

Koya students Rajitha and Premalatha Welcomed Dr.Charles and other guests un to the dais.

Immanuel's Bible school was started in the year 1999 June. That was the time Pastor Charles visited Ecclesia Ministries along with Pastor Guy Carey. God has sent Dr.Charles to stand on the side of Bishop Daniel to start this Bible school. For the last 10 years 353 missionaries graduated from the Bible school. This programme in Kazipet is totally sponsored by Dr.Charles and Immanuel's Church. We have vision for whole of India which has over One billion population. We are praying God to bring partners like Dr.Charles of Immanuels Church to start some more Bible Schools all across India. Nationals are the key to reaching the unreached in partnership with the global body of Christ.

More Pictures from the conference

Rev.B.R.AnandaKumar translating Dr.Charles's messages

Pastor Brad praying for the ministers with the anointing oil

Dr.Charles Praying for the ministers with the anointing oil

Men and women of God at the alter when Bishop Daniel was applying the word to their very lives

Sunday, March 22, 2009

More pictures from Ministers conference 2009

Bro.Thomas Kalyanapu founder and Hon President speaking encouragment to the Ministers of Ecclesia

Col Philip IInd Brother of Bishop preaching in the Ministers conference

Bishop Daniel translating the message of Dr.Charles

Rev.Joy David translating the Message of Pastor Brad