Wednesday, June 15, 2011

March 1-3 & 7 -9 2 crusades in West Godavari AP India

During March 1,2,3 we had 3 day crusade in Jangareddygudem of West Godavari dist.
Many people attended and received God's blessings. Each night sick were prayed for and this town has more HIV aids patients. Each night minimum of 10 of these victims attended and received Jesus and some experienced the divine touch. I must get the feed back from that town. And also during March 7,8,9 we had another 3 day crusade in Akiveedu of West Godavari district. Each night hundreds of people accepted the Lord and sick were prayed for.
This place has also HIV aids victims. Each night we prayed for the victims. In the state of Andhra Pradesh West Godavari District stood IInd place in Aids Victims. Please pray that God will really do a Miracle in these places.

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